About Us
Who are we?
BlitzMinis (Blitz and Peaces) started out as a partnership by two gamers who shared a passion for WWII history and the game Flames of War. Our FLGS (Internet geek Jargon for Friendly Local Game Store) closed down towards the end of 2015 and we decided to try and keep the community alive and the availability of products so that the game can continue to be played here.
We haven't found or have the market ability to sustain a full fledged store yet so will be running off the internet and we pass on this benefit of low overheads to our customers with extremely competitive pricing.
In 2021, we started the year opening our very first physical store. we are proud to have the largest gaming space available for wargames in Singapore. We also use the shop as a studio for producing product reviews and batreps for our YouTube channel and distribution storage.
Singapore 149596
( 2 Minute covered walkway from Commonwealth MRT Station ! )
What games do we support?
We love this game and we like to mimic scenes from movies and play them out as best we can. The scene below was a demo we used to show people the scene from the movie Fury.

As of 2021, We have expanded our range to include a new core line of ParaBellum Games which creates Conquest Last Arguement of Kings.
- Games Workshop - Warhammer 40K and Age of Sigmar
- Battlefront Miniatures - Flames of War
- Battlefront Miniatures - Team Yankee
- Parabellum Games - Conquest Last Argument Of Kings
- GamerGrass
- Vallejo
- CMON Kickstarter pledges